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Awards for Very Interesting People (ViPs)
February 02 2016
Awards for Very Interesting People (ViPs):
ViPs do interesting things, have interesting ideas and achieve amazing things. We think you should celebrate those things and awards are a great way for you to give yourself a big pat on the back. Being nominated for awards will give you the feel good factor, raise moral within your team (everyone loves to work with and learn from an expert), boost credibility and raise your profile. We’ve listed some fab awards that are worth you looking into…
Entrepreneur of the World: These awards are aimed at the best high-growth entrepreneurs and their companies, leaders who challenge orthodox ways of doing things to grow disruptive businesses and create new markets.
Veuve Clicquot Business Woman Award: The annual Veuve Clicquot Business Woman Award champions the success of business women worldwide who share the same qualities as Madame Clicquot: Her enterprising spirit, her courage and the determination necessary to accomplish her aims.
Director of the Year Awards: Open to directors across the business spectrum, the IoD Director of the Year Awards brings together all the winners from the regional heats to determine who is the “best of the best” in British Business at the UK Final held in London.
The First Women Awards: The First Women Awards is the UK’s leading awards programme for senior-level business women and professionals. Since conception in 2005, the awards have grown in influence and impact and enjoy the support of many of the UK’s leading firms, industry bodies and inspirational business leaders.
The Great British Entrepreneur Awards: With 18 categories these awards cover a wide range of entrepreneurs and industries, categories include ‘Startup Entrepreneur’ and ‘Small Business Entrepreneur’ to ‘Fashion Entrepreneur’, ‘Eco Entrepreneur’ and ‘Digital Entrepreneur’.
Digital entrepreneur Awards: These awards honour the pioneers of the internet from steadfast business leaders who spot commercial opportunities to technical geniuses working tirelessly behind the scenes on digital advancement.
Startups Awards: Categories include young Entrepreneur of the Year, Women in Business Award and People’s Champion so there are some brilliant opportunities for ViPs.
Smarta100: The O2 Smarta 100 is an annual celebration of the most resourceful, inspiring and disruptive small businesses in the UK. They do have a Female Entrepreneur of the Year category so go for it!
Growing Business Awards: Organised by Real Business Magazine, these awards include categories suhc as Innovator of the Year, Young Entrepreneur and Employee of the Year, so plenty of space for a VIP to shine!
Nectar Small Business Awards: The Nectar Small Business Awards has something for everyone, with categories including Small Business of the Year, Entrepreneur of the Year, Innovation of the Year and Startup of the Year. Winners of each category will be given a £2,000 cash prize, 50,000 Nectar points, a roundtable event with judges and leading entrepreneurs, and nationwide publicity for their business.
EY Entrepreneur of the Year Awards: Any list would be incomplete without EY’s Entrepreneur of the Year awards. Running in more than 145 cities over 60 countries worldwide and culminates in a four-day extravaganza in Monaco with leading entrepreneurs, executives, journalists and politicians. Benefits to entrepreneurs include regular opportunities to network with other entrepreneurs, investors, business mentors and prospective clients.
And we know that lots of ViPs are authors so here is one specifically for you:
FT Business Book Awards: The winner of the £30,000 prize will go to the book that is judged to have provided the most compelling and enjoyable insight into modern business issues, with £10,000 awarded to each runner-up.