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Very Interesting Tweeters
February 08 2016
Like traditional media, social media is a fantastic way to get your message out to millions of people around the world. The big difference with social media, however, is that it really is social, so rather than just broadcast what you have to say, you can enjoy two-way conversations with your audience in real time.
We have put together a short list of some very interesting people we recommend you should follow on Twitter. Not only do they regularly share helpful advice, but you may also get an opportunity to pick their brains and benefit from their wealth of experience:
@Robert_Craven: Author and marketing expert who shares insights via his tweets and blogs that can prove very useful for businesses of all sizes
@AndyLopata: Someone to follow if you’re interested in business networking strategy, but also shares some useful advice all businesses leaders could learn from
@PaulBoross: Successful author, speaker and a world leading expert on communication and pitching, regularly shares tweets that are both entertaining and insightful
@johnsw: Author of excellent book, Screw Work, Let’s Play who shares interesting and motivating ideas that might change the way you think about work
@msuster: Hugely successful entrepreneur, Mark shares his insights into the world of start-ups, venture capital via his entertaining blog posts
@gandy: So many of us depend on our minds to achieve success at work but do very little to maintain its health. Andy has some great tips for what we can do day-to-day to work smarter.
@herdmeister: Author of excellent books HERD and Copy, Copy, Copy, Mark Earls applies fascinating insights from behavioural science to modern businesses